Health is the Direction, Wellness is the Journey

Our mission:

We want to create the happiest & healthiest workforce possible by finding what staff want & need on their journey towards finding their best self.

We aim to:

•            Improve the physical & mental health of all staff members, in turn reducing illness & sick days

•            Improve staff synergy, morale & happiness

•            Improve staff support, loyalty & retention

•            Improve the company’s position as a pioneering establishment with the best culture

Why companies need to ensure staff are Healthy & Happy

·       Working in a sedentary role can have negative health implications. It can increase all causes of mortality, double the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes & obesity & increase chances of conditions such as anxiety & depression.

·       Working in a busy role can often result in a lack of movement, poor eating habits, bad or minimal sleep & too much screen time.  We suggest working at an individual & team level to improve all these areas so that staff can achieve a better balance & understanding on how to be healthier & happier.

·       Happiness is key to success. If staff are happy, they have a better outlook, cognition & will to improve & drive forward. We encourage organisations to ensure staff are looked after, feel appreciated & enjoy being a part of the company, resulting in a happy, inspired & productive workforce.

·       Running a company is difficult! It can be tough to dedicate enough time in ensuring staff have the highest level of support. Investing in staff wellness can alleviate this pressure by taking some of the weight. Working in sync with management to provide the best possible experience for its staff, increasing loyalty, retention & value.

·       Providing staff health & wellness support speaks volumes! With a package of support for staff, it highlights to business partners, clients & potential new staff that the company is forward thinking, diverse & passionate to improve.

A few examples of what we have found work well:

Health advocacy: Assisting an organisation in either leading or taking part in the adoption of a health advocacy model, focusing on an educational dimension where it identifies emerging staff health issues that may require awareness and/or attention, either collectively or at individual level is a great approach. It encompasses gathering information on existing practices related to public health, legislation monitoring and providing feedback on how specific regulations impact local groups and communities, helping to guide health policy reforms in line with the Better Health at Work Award.

Wellbeing sessions:

Tailored wellbeing sessions provide a platform to deliver a wide range of services within programmed activities that are designed with the specific purpose of taking care of a workforce and its individual staff both mentally and physically. We make sure to inject energy & fun into each session so that everyone leaves smiling!

1:1 check ins:

These private (usually online) sessions provide staff with the opportunity to seek personally tailored guidance & advice surrounding any health, mental health or physical challenges they are feeling or facing. 1:1 Life Coaching & Check-ins are completely confidential and allow staff to contact their coach via text, WhatsApp, slack & zoom. During these sessions, coaches utilise goal setting, mindset development techniques, personal recommendations and other tools to enable staff to confidently identify & overcome challenges.

Nutrition E-book:

We advocate use of our nutrition e-book, which contains easy to follow guidance on how to cook healthy meals. Our simple to follow recipes enable clients to approach cooking with enthusiasm, ensuring the activity doesn’t take up too much of their valuable time & are an excellent resource to help them to learn & understand what is good for both their body & mind.

Our Odyssey team strive to breathe fresh air into the health & wellness space. We decided early on into the company’s journey that we wanted to support workforces with a focus on sedentary companies in the gaming & tech industry, a super cool & forward-thinking industry to say the least...

Being in a role where you are in front of a computer for prolonged periods can be very detrimental to your physical & mental health. When you add poor health, education & understanding of how to look after our bodies & minds as well as limited time & energy it can spell a recipe for disaster.

We are working with companies like Coatsink, Radical Forge & Queensway dental staff to improve everything from eating habits, activity levels, sleeping routine, hydration, relationships, work & much more. This enhances positive physical & mental health, building long-term healthy habits & the opportunity to help staff enjoy their lives in any environment. Building a better you!

Staff in any workplace are the engine, the glue, the roots…

Everyone is on their own journey, trying to be the best version of themselves.

Every company wants to be recognised & top of their field

Everyone reading this wants to be happy…

We recommend watering those roots, seeking guidance on your journey, improving your company inside & out & most importantly dedicate ourselves to making all our heroes (clients) happy!

Connect with us through out social links below…

…Alternatively, email: to find out more & for a free brochure detailing how we can support you!


Our first face to face event - 10 speakers, 8 minutes each on the evidence based GREAT DREAM Actions to Happiness


Headstart South Tees - Supporting Children and Young Peoples Resilience